วิทยานิพนธ์ (Thesis) : [198] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 198
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Purification of succinic acid from fermentation broth using vapor permeation-esterificationSumalee Srisuno
2013Treatment of rice straw for buntanol production by Clostridium AcetobutylicumMatinee Wasoontharawat
2015Succinate production from cassava pulp and sugarcane bagasse by metabolically engineered escherichia coli KJ122 and its derivativesApichai Sawisit
2014Improvement of bradyrhizobial inoculant efficiency by using H2-oxidizing pgprNarongrit Sakunpon
2015Identification of OCT4 associated proteins in human embryonic stem cells and production of human basic fibroblast growth factorRangsun Parnpai; Sumeth Imsoonthornruksa
2015Improvement of vitrification technique for one step dilution of vitrified biopsied bovine IVF-derived embryos.Kanchana Punyawai
2015Effect of silver nanoparticles and hexavalent chromium on sperm functions and embryo developmentTon Yoisungnern
2014Symbiotic mechanisms of cultivated rice endophytic bradyrhizobia and their potential for field applicationPongdet Piromyou
2011Vitrification of mouse matured oocytes and embryos at various stages: comparison of Cryotop and Hemi straw closed system methodsAniruth Aree-uea
2014Succinic acid production from cassava starch by simultaneous Saccharification and fermentation by metabolically engineered Escherichai ColiKhor Kirin
2014Production and secretion of bacillus chitosanase in lactobacillus plantarum expression systemPeenida Namvijitr
2014Rice endophytic bradyrhizobia and their potentials for rice-legume crop rotationTeerana Greetatorn
2013Extractive fermentation of ethanol from fresh cassava roots using vacuum fractionation techniqueSupathra Phakping
2014Development of a novel device and improved techniques for bovine oocytes and embryos vitrifcationAshit Kumar Paul
2013Re-Engineering of metabolic pathway of klebsiella oxytoca for 2,3-butanediol productionPattharasedthi Pholyiam
2013Extractive fermentation of succinic acid using an external precipitation techniqueJiraphorn Lubsungnoen
2013Maximization of n2-fixing efficiency in soybean (Glycine max) using coinoculation with pgpr and Bradyrhizobium japonicumJanpen Prakamhang
2012Functional characterization of rice b-glucosidase os1bglu4Chen Rouyi
2010Purification of l-(+)-lactic acid from fermentation broth by pervaporation-assisted esterification techniquePanwana Khunnonkwaw
2010Optimization of beer production from rice malt based using response surface methodologyArtit Kongkaew
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 198