วิทยานิพนธ์ (Thesis) : [85] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 85
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2009The epidemiological study of PSEUDOMONS spp. in wards at Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima hospitalAtchareeya Choungngam
2011Comparison of physical performance between wai khru ram muay thai and yoga training in adult thaisPattacha Krasaesieng
2011Physiological investigation of the effects of watermelon (citrullus lanatus) extracts on rat uterine contractionPhukphon Munglue
2012Neuroendocrine regulation of rearing behavior in the native thai henOrn-Anong Chaiyachet
2012Drought Tolerance Screening Sunflower (Helianthus Annuus L.)Khamsee Saensee
2011Biodiversity of termites and their relationship to dry dipterocarp and dry evergreen ecosystems at sakaerat environmental research station, Nakhon Ratchasima provincePornsiri Thipsantia
2008The triassic radiolarian cherts from northern thailand: implications for palaeoenvironment and tectonic settingHathaithip Thassanapak
2006The monitoring and assessment of water quality in the upper part of chi basin using physicochemical variables and benthic macroinvertebratesNukool Kudthalang
2009Comparison of the pharmacological activities among crude extracts from three phyllanthus speciesKanchana poompachee
2011The antioxidation, proliferation and apoptosis effects of some local Thai vegetable extracts on human cancer cell linesJirayus Woraratphoka
2010Distribution, behavior and threat of red-shanked douc langur pygathrix nemaeus in Hin Namno National protected area, Khammouane province, Lao PDRPhaivanh Phiapalath
2010Microbial congribution to the carbon mineralization and decomposition rate of litter on the forest floor in dry evergreen forest at Sakaerat Environmental Research StationWarin Boonriam
2010Effects of incubation behavior upon the neuroendocrine regulation of the reproductive system in the female native Thai chickensNattiya Prakobsaeng
2010The effect of soil water content and temperature on tropical soil respirationKarma Dorji
2010Effects of incubation behavior upon the neuroendocrine regulation of the reproductive system in the female native Thai chickensNattiya Prakobsaeng
2008Diet and habitat use of viverrid group at Sakaerat Environmental Research Station, Nakhon RatchasimaSarawee Aroon
2008Population dynamics and health status of small mammals at Sakaerat environmental research station, Nakhon RatchasimaSitthisak Pinmongkholgul
2009The use of lichen as an indicatior for environmental monitoring in Nakhon Ratchasima municipality and Sakaerat environmental research stationA-mornrat Pitakpong
2009Carbon sequestration and turnover by vetiver (chrysopogon spp.)Piyanut Khanema
2009Estrogenic activities of pomegranate (punica granatum l.) extract in ovariectomized ratsWilawan Promprom
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 85