วิทยานิพนธ์ (Thesis) : [85] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 85
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013Sediment and nonpoint source nutrients modeling for lam takong river basinNetnapa Pongpetch
2012Hypolipidemic and hypoglycemic effects of centella asiatica extract in male wistar ratsNattapon Supkamonseni
2012Effects of air pollution on lichen diversity and genetic relationship of phxine cocoes (sw.) Nyl. (physciaceae) in the Northeast of ThailandWaewdao Dathong
2012The assessment of land use change and forest carbon sequestration at Thap Lan National ParkWassana Phanurak
2013Habitatselection and abundanceestimates of siamese fireback lophura diardi at Sakaerat Environmental Research StationSaranphat Suwanrat
2013Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory cytokine activity by extracts from hoan-ngoc (Pseuderanthemum palatiferum (Nees) Radlk.)Patcharawan Sittisart
2013Systematic study of acanthaceae, subfamilies nelsonioideae and acanthoideae (Pseuderanthemum), in ThailandThiamhathai Choopan
2011The effects of pomegranate punica granatum extracts on antioxidation, ultraviolet b irradiation on rat skin and apoptosis of mcf-7, human breast cancer cellsJinnawat Manasathien
2013Effects of the extract from the fruit hull of mangosteen (garainia mangostana l.) on learning memory and the central cholinergic system of male wistar ratsNaiyana Nontamart
2012The effects of mintweed (hyptis sauv eolens (l.) poit) extracts on proliferation and apoptosis of a human jurkat leukemia cell lineSumalee Musika
2011Effects of the crude extract from the fruit rind of rambutan (nephelium lappaceum l.) on obesity in male wistarratsAree Thinkratok
2009Diversity of soil insects, litter insects and their relationship to the decomposition of litter in Sakaerat Environmental Research Station, Nakhon RatchasimaWanichaya Charoonphong
2012Genetic diversity analysis in sunflower (helianthus annuus L.)genotypes using rapd and ssr markersPanjama Janyalert-a-dool
2010Diversity of polyhydroxyalkanoates-producing bacteria isolated from cassava pulpOnuma Chansatein
2010Biological control of dengue fever mosquitoes (aedes aegypti l.) By mintweed (hyptis suaveolens (l.)Poit), yam bean (pachyrhizus erosus l.), and celery (apium graveolens l.) Seed extractsButsara Yongkhamcha
2010Estrogenic activity of costus speciosus (koen.) Sm.Extract in female ratsWanwisa Lijuan
2010Biological control of rice weevils (Sitophilus oryzae L.) in stored milled rice by the extracts of mintweed, kitchen mint and kaffir limeSaowanee Buatone
2010Increase of efficiency of phytoremediation for heavy metal removal by plant growth-promoting rhizobacteriaEkkasit Aksorn
2012Neuroendocrine regulation of rearing behavior in native Thai hen: Roles of dopamine and mesotocinDuangsuda Chokchaloemwong
2011Biological control of dengue hemorrhagic fever mosquitiones (AEDES AEGYPTI L.) by kaffir lime (CITRUS HYSTRIX DC.) peel and papaya (CARICA PAPAYA L.) seed extractsSuphunnee Chokkhun
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 85