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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 133
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Urban land surface temperature mitigation by using urban green space siulationPantip Piyatadsananon; Ekkaluk Salakkham
2022Semi-automatic classification of very-high-resolution images from uav for mapping weed in cassava fieldsPantip Piyatadsananon; Apinya Boonrang
2021Soil salinity prediction and mapping using electromagnetic survey and geostatistics in Non Thai district, Nakhon Ratchasima, ThailandSuwit Ongsomwang; Yuratikan Jantaravikorn
2021Spatiotemporal particulate matter concentration prediction using modis aerosol optical depth in rural and urban landscapes, ThailandSuwit Ongsomwang; Pirada Tongprasert
2020Integration of remote sensing and GIS for population estimation, Magway district, Magway region, MyanmarKyaw, Naing Phyo
2021An optimal scenario of land use and land cover allocation to minimize sediment and nutrient export, Upper Ing watershed, Phayao provinceJiraporn Kulsoontornrat
2021Optimized land use and land cover allocation for flood mitigation with goal programming, Mueang Chaiyaphum district, Chaiyaphum province, ThailandAthiwat Phinyoyang
2021Simulation land use and land cover scenario and water yield estimation for water balance analysis in Phuket Island, ThailandNattapong Puangkaew
2018Potential sites prediction for salt-making prior to the 19th century using spatial modeling: a case study in Nakhon Ratchasima provinceMontri Thanaphattarapornchai
2019Newly developed method of harmonic analysis for multitemporal land use and land cover classification and impact study of their changes on land surface temperatureSun Jing
2019Ecological suitability assessment for mountainous area development and biodiversity conservation in Bac Kan province, VietnamDai Ly Trong
2017Multi-objective optimization wite genetic algorithm for spatial urban land-use planningWarunee Aunphoklang
2018Urban growth impact assessment on landscape ecology and ecosystem service valueAnake Srisuwan
2018Urban park suitability analysis using spatial multi-criteria fuzzy logicWicaksono Arif
2017Geospatial modeling for agricultural drought vulnerability assessment in Nakhon Ratchasima, ThailandKacha Chedtabud
2018Land use and land cover scenarios of ecosystem services for optimum water yield and sediment retention in Klong U-tapao watershed, Songkhla, ThailandJamroon Srichaichana
2015Land suitability analysis based on management for rubber plantation using fussy logic systemTawatcharapong Wongsagoon
2017Semi-automatic land use and land cover map updating using object-based change detection in Lao PDRSithnalong Sitthideth
2017Integration of stakeholder and spatial analyses for solid waste managementPimprapai Piphatnawakul
2016Development of above ground biomass estimation model for refference emission level construction under redd mechanism using geoinformatics technologyTinn Thirakultomorn
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 133