วิทยานิพนธ์ (Thesis) : [133] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 133
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Geoinformatics applications to marine water quality and red tide phenomenon assessment in the upper gulf of ThailandPrasarn Intacharoen
2017Application of geoinformatics on soil degradation assessment in upper Lamchiengkrai watershed, Nakhon Ratchasima, ThailandSasikarn Plaiklang
2017Pixel-based and object-based image analysis comparison for land use and land cover classificationSalisa Saraisamrong
2016Optimal burned area and fire detection algorithms using modis and landsat data: case study of Upper Northern Region, ThailandSuphatphong Ruthamnong
2017Spatial evalution and prediction of urban heat island pkenomena in bangkok and its vicinityWilawan Prasomsup
2016Waste transportation management based on transportation cost and environmental impact of sitesAthiwat Phinyoyang
2016Wildfire susceptibility analysis in Bhutan using geoinformatics technologySamdrup Dorji
2015Geospatial models for land use and land cover prediction and deforestation vulnerability analysis in Phuket island, ThailandKrittawat Boonchoo
2015Development of a web-based spatial decision support system for the risk assessment of road accidentSippakarn Kassawat
2015Urban growth modelng of Phnom Penh, Cambodia using remotely sensed data and logistic regression modelMom Kompheak
2015Optimal landslide susceptibility and risk analyses at Khanom Bencha,Krabi province,ThailandThidapath Anucharn
2014Mapping of urban flood severity and vulnerability using MIKE 21: a case of Mueang Nakhon Ratchasima, ThailandParinda Pukongduean
2015Land use and land cover classification using semantic model of object-based image analysisPhawinee Poojarit
2012Spatial modeling to evaluate the impact intensity of landslide and flash flood in highland watershed area: with reference to Nam Li watershed, Uttaradit, ThailandSirilak Tanang
20153D building cadastral database design using CityGML building module: a case study in Thimphu City, BhutanTashi
2014Intergration of geospatial models for an optimal land use allocation using land use and land cover changes and their impacts in upper Lam Phra Phloeng watershed, Nakhon Ratchasima province, ThailandNiti Iamchuen
2014Snowmelt runoff analysis and impact assessment of temperature change in the upper Punatsang Chu basinGigme Tenzin
2012Geospatial model for locating potential micro hydropower sites in ungauged catchmentsWipop Paengwangthong
2014Development of analysis and evaluation techniques for thaichote image pan-sharpeningSawarin Lerk-u-suke
2014Application of remote sensing and geographic information system to land and water management for economic crops production: case study in Nakhon Ratchasima province, ThailandPichai Wongsawat
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 133