Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2019 | Urban land surface temperature mitigation by using urban green space siulation | Pantip Piyatadsananon; Ekkaluk Salakkham |
2022 | Semi-automatic classification of very-high-resolution images from uav for mapping weed in cassava fields | Pantip Piyatadsananon; Apinya Boonrang |
2021 | Soil salinity prediction and mapping using electromagnetic survey and geostatistics in Non Thai district, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand | Suwit Ongsomwang; Yuratikan Jantaravikorn |
2021 | Spatiotemporal particulate matter concentration prediction using modis aerosol optical depth in rural and urban landscapes, Thailand | Suwit Ongsomwang; Pirada Tongprasert |
2020 | Integration of remote sensing and GIS for population estimation, Magway district, Magway region, Myanmar | Kyaw, Naing Phyo |
2021 | An optimal scenario of land use and land cover allocation to minimize sediment and nutrient export, Upper Ing watershed, Phayao province | Jiraporn Kulsoontornrat |
2021 | Optimized land use and land cover allocation for flood mitigation with goal programming, Mueang Chaiyaphum district, Chaiyaphum province, Thailand | Athiwat Phinyoyang |
2021 | Simulation land use and land cover scenario and water yield estimation for water balance analysis in Phuket Island, Thailand | Nattapong Puangkaew |
2018 | Potential sites prediction for salt-making prior to the 19th century using spatial modeling: a case study in Nakhon Ratchasima province | Montri Thanaphattarapornchai |
2019 | Newly developed method of harmonic analysis for multitemporal land use and land cover classification and impact study of their changes on land surface temperature | Sun Jing |
2019 | Ecological suitability assessment for mountainous area development and biodiversity conservation in Bac Kan province, Vietnam | Dai Ly Trong |
2017 | Multi-objective optimization wite genetic algorithm for spatial urban land-use planning | Warunee Aunphoklang |
2018 | Urban growth impact assessment on landscape ecology and ecosystem service value | Anake Srisuwan |
2018 | Urban park suitability analysis using spatial multi-criteria fuzzy logic | Wicaksono Arif |
2017 | Geospatial modeling for agricultural drought vulnerability assessment in Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand | Kacha Chedtabud |
2018 | Land use and land cover scenarios of ecosystem services for optimum water yield and sediment retention in Klong U-tapao watershed, Songkhla, Thailand | Jamroon Srichaichana |
2015 | Land suitability analysis based on management for rubber plantation using fussy logic system | Tawatcharapong Wongsagoon |
2017 | Semi-automatic land use and land cover map updating using object-based change detection in Lao PDR | Sithnalong Sitthideth |
2017 | Integration of stakeholder and spatial analyses for solid waste management | Pimprapai Piphatnawakul |
2016 | Development of above ground biomass estimation model for refference emission level construction under redd mechanism using geoinformatics technology | Tinn Thirakultomorn |