วิทยานิพนธ์ (Thesis) : [102] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 102
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2009Numerical simulation of the fluid flow past a torus with a rotating boundaryPairin Suwannasri
2010Option pricing model for a fractional stochastic volatility with jumpsArthit Intarasit
2008Numerical computation of the flow and heat transfer over two rotating circular cylindersJakgrit Sompong
2009Fast legendre-galerkin method for the gradient stokes flow around two rigid spheresPikul Puphasuk
2008Ultrasound image enhancement by means of a variational approachWatchirawoot Seekot
2008Linearization of fourth-order ordinary differential equations by point and contact transformationsSupaporn Suksern
2007Group classification of second-order delay ofdinary differential equationsPrapart Pue-on
2008Equivalence of linear second order parabolic partial differential equations to one of the canonical formsEkkarath Thailert
2007A numerical simulation of incompressible swirling flow using finite difference methodKanyuta Poochinapan
2007Development of a deterministic spectral method for solving the nonlinear boltzmann kinetic equationChatchawan Watchararuangwit
2008Finite volume method for the prediction of incompressible flow through a bounded domain with specified pressure as boundary conditionDamrongsak Yambangwai
2008Group classification of one-dimensional equations of fluids with internal energy depending on the density and the gradient of the densityPrakrong Voraka
2008Group classification of the three-dimensional equations of fluids with internal inertiaPiyanuch siriwat
2002Continuous wavelets associated with groups generated by two matricesPisamai Kittipoom
2007Parallel algorithms for numerical simulation of turbulent wake dynamics in a stratified fluidSa-at Muangchan
2007On some problems of stochastic filtering applied to financeTidarut Plienpanich
2006Relaxed control for a class of semilinear impulsive evolution equationsPornthip Pongchalee
2000Periodic Optimal Control of Systems Governed by Nonlinear Evolution Equations in Banach SpacesWei Wei
2005Invariants of the equivalence group of a system of econd-order ordinary differential equationsSakka Sookmee
2000Exponential stability and stabilization of nonlinear dynamical systemsSaelim Rattikan
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 102