วิทยานิพนธ์ (Thesis) : [102] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 102
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Analysis of distributions for insurance claims dataJessada Tanthanuch; Natakon Nawaratana
2016Prediction of stock price using support vector machinePiyatat Chatvorawit
2016Preliminary group classification of the full boltzmann equation with a source functionAdisak Karnbanjong
2016Group classification of systems of tow second-order linear and systems of two second-order autonomous nonlinear ordinary differenti3al equationsGioranna Fae Oguis
2016Bayesian Probabilistic Inference On Firm-Level Stock Price DynamicsHaizhen Wang
2001Numerical algorithms for flowing-through problem of an ideal incompressible fluidPeiangpob Mounnumprang
2016A real options analysis of renewable energy investment under uncertainty in China - a case study of a wind power projectWu Chunxue
2016Estimation of value at risk using an adaptive mcmc method and support vector regressionYang Xinxia
2016Bayesian inference on stochastic volatility models of the stock marketLuo Lingling
2016On some predator-prey systems and epidemic models with stage structure and impulsive effectsZhou Airen
2016Real option analysis on renewable energy policy for ethanol plants in ChinaZhao Hui
2015Risk mitigation of stock trade using an advanced pairs trading strategyNawarat Ekkarntrong
2015Bayes premium for a claim dependence model with common effectTippatai Pongsart
2015Forecasting Thai mortality by using a modified Lee-Carter modelNatthasurang Yasungnoen
2015Conservation laws of one-dimensional equations of fluids in lagrangian coordinatesChompit Kaewmanee
2015Generalized simple waves of the gas dynamics equations adjoining through a shock waveWiparat Worapitpong
2015On the complete group classification of the nonlinear kiein-gordon equation with a delayLong Fengshan
2015Exact solutions of the population balance equationLin Fubiao
2015Group analysis of integro-differential equtions for one-dimensional viscoelastic Mathematics with memoryZhou Longqiao
2015An insurance claim and pricing model usinginfinite mixture distributionsSasithorn Anantasopon
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 102