วิทยานิพนธ์ (Thesis) : [102] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 102
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023A statistical models of PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations in the Bangkok areaTidarut Areerak; Tanatip Hanpayak
2023An application of image processing and machine learning for rice varieties classificationJessada Tanthanuch; Piyanart Boonramart
2023Landslide susceptibility mapping of Albay province, Philippines using deep learning algorithmsTanakorn Sritarapipat; Karl Malcolm N. Cordova
2022An application of the art gallery problem to determine the number of cameras placed for roadway monitoringAkanat Wetayawanich; Amphon Kliaram
2020Modeling to predict the patients’ postoperative WOMAC score after total knee replacement by features engineering and gradient boost treeBenjawan Rodjanadid; Saranchai Sinlapasorn
2022Forecasting the stock prices by features engineering and machine learning techniqueBenjawan Rodjanadid; Ratchapon Pariyothai
2022The discrepancy of speacial sequences induced by generalized halton sequecnes and beatty sequencesPoj Lertchoosakul; Prapapit Chutimantanon
2022One-dimensional magnetogasdynamics equations: lie group classification, conservation lawsSergey Meleshko; Potcharapol Mukdasanit
2021The use of electrocardiogram for biometrics identification by convolution neural network.Jessada Tanthanuch; Titayawat Khumwong
2022Classification of rice varieties from milled rice grain images by object detection methodJessada Tanthanuch; Wuttichai Watchararat
2021Performances of shapefree rbf-neural networks in pattern recognition application with large scattered data setsSayan Kaennakham; Sunisa Tavaen
2020Application of the twin support vector machine algorithm to heart sound with breathing sound noise classificationPanu Yimmaung; Warapron Srisup
2021A modified whale optimization algorithm for improving data balance based on undersampling techniquesBenjawan Rodjanadid; Jakkrit Polrob
2021Multiclass Support Vector Machines for Diabetic Retinopathy DiagnosisEckart Schulz; Jigme Namgyal
2020Analysis and optimization method for cash withdrawal of ATM in IndiaPannawit Kongmuangpak
2002Existence of solutions for a class of semilinear integrodifferential equations of parabolic type with delay and optimal controlKiat Sangaroon
2019Analysis of statistical distributions appearing in medical ultrasound imagesMangkon Damnet
2019A comparative study of machine learning techniques to deal with unbalanced dataJirakit Boonmunewai
2019Analysis of the exchange rate of the Thai baht against the Chinese yuan using a support vector machine modelPhakkhaphon Sawatkamon
2018Noise reduction using wavelet methodsThanakorn Piyapai
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 102