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Title: On periodic solutions of nonlinear evolution equations in Banach spaces
Authors: P. Sattayatham
S. Tangmanee
Wei Wei
Keywords: Evolution equation;Time-periodic solution;Quasi-linear parabolic differential equation
Issue Date: 1-Dec-2002
Citation: Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Volume 276, Issue 1 2002, Pages 98-108
Abstract: We prove an existence result for T-periodic solutions to nonlinear evolution equations of the form x(t)+A(t.x(t))=f(t.x(t)). O<t<T. Here VHV* is an evolution triple, A :I×V→V* is a uniformly monotone operator, and f :I×H→V* is a Caratheodory mapping which is Hölder continuous with respect to x in H and exponent 0<1. For illustration, an example of a quasi-linear parabolic differential equation is worked out in detail.
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